Jesse Tree Advent Calendar | Christmas ornaments
Jesse Tree Advent Calendar | Christmas ornaments
Kit includes 25 ornaments and 1 booklet with meditations for everyday.
Now included with your purchase the Family Journal version of the booklet (with reflections and journal pages for everyday and DIY paper ornaments for your kids).
Size of the ornaments: 3 inches
This is the list of ornaments:
1. Creation
2. Adam & Eve
3. Noah
4. Babel
5. Abraham
6. Isaac
7. Jacob
8. Joseph
9. Moses
10. Israelites
11. Joshua
12. Gideon
13. Samson
14. Ruth
15. Samuel
16. Jesse
17. David
18. Solomon
19. Elijah
20. Jonah
21. John the Baptist
22. Joseph
23. Mary
24. Wise men
25. Jesus
Material: 2 layers: Wood plywood and white painted MDF.
What is the Jesse Tree?
A Jesse Tree represents the family tree of Jesus Christ. Each ornament represents a story from the Bible that tells about
God’s people before Jesus was born. Each Story shows God’s salvation plan and tells how He guided humanity to prepare for
the coming of the Messiah.
What is the tradition?
The tradition of the Jesse Tree dates back to the middle ages. The name “Jesse Tree” comes from Isaiah 11:1 “Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit.” Jesse is the father of King David. The Savior was to come from David’s family line. During Advent, a Bible story is read and discussed, and ornament is placed on a tree, the Jesse Tree. This was often done from the beginning of Advent to Christmas Day. Traditionally the Bible stories corresponded with the readings from Daily Mass so the number of ornaments and the stories that were read changed from one year to the next. This meant that new Jesse Tree ornaments needed to be created each year. Because of that, there are many versions of the Jesse Tree.
This version was created to be simple and easy to use. It begins on December 1 and ends on December 25, it can be used the same way year after year. Thus while the Jesse Tree is about the journey of the people of God, it also sheds light on our own life journey. It connects us more deeply to scripture, through which Christ never fails to reveal himself to us here and now.
You can see more pictures of the Jesse Tree ornaments on Instagram @thestumpofjesse
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