The Catholic Mass Journal: Blessed are those called to the Supper of the Lamb.
2 Cover to choose from:
Lamb of God (interior in shades of green and orange)
Jesus Christ (interior in shades of blue and grey)
The interior layout, quotes, information is the same for both of them.
"Therefore, take these words of mine into your heart and soul." Deuteronomy 11:18
This journal is carefully designed to include many quotes from the Saints about the Holy Mass, the Eucharist and Adoration.
Since this journal DOES NOT CONTAIN THE READINGS for each Sunday, it can be used for daily Mass and/or Sunday Mass.
- Date
- Mass Intentions
- Notes for First & Second Readings
- Notes for the Responsorial Psalm
- Homily notes
- Offertory (Give Him your joys and your sorrows; give Him all the people you are worried about, all the people who have asked you for your prayers.)
- Leave with a purpose (Life application for today or this week)
The journal has enough pages for the entire year if used for Sunday Mass; or enough for 65 days, if used for daily Mass.
It contains basic information about the Catholic Mass. The information presented was taken from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (
The Order of the Mass
Why the Priest kisses the altar
The Liturgical Calendar and its colors
The Liturgical Year and its seasons
The names of the books used during the celebration of the Mass
Holy Days of Obligation
The names and meanings of the vestments used by the priest during the celebration
Brief explanation on the cycles of the Lectionary
Names and meanings of the Altar Linens and Sacred Vessels
Explanation on how the Catholic Mass is profoundly biblical
A prayer before Mass by St. Thomas Aquinas
The Nicene Creed
Anima Christi
Act of Spiritual Communion
Prayer after Communion by Mother Teresa
Prayer to St. Michael Archangel
A prayer after Mass by St. Thomas Aquinas
SIZE: 5.5" 8.5"
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